2011年9月22日 星期四


最近在玩postcrossing, 除了可以練英文,還自己製作了明信片。在別人的簡介中看到歡迎寄歌詞類的,便突發奇想介紹台灣的歌手,但是因為沒有英文歌詞的版本,所以就自己試著翻了一下。

旅行的意義travel is meaningful

陳綺貞 Cheer Chen

你看過了許多美景 你看過了許多美女
You have watched many scenes.
You have watched many beautiful ladies.

You get lost in every moment on the plans.

你品嚐了夜的巴黎 你踏過下雪的北京
You tasted the night of Paris.
You walked in snowed Beijing.

You remember your every favorite sentence from the treatise.

卻說不出你愛我的原因 卻說不出你欣賞我哪一種表情
While you can’t say why you love me.
You can’t say which expression of me you revel in.

卻說不出在什麼場合我曾讓你動心 說不出 離開的原因
While you can’t say which place I have made you crazy.
Can’t say, why you are leaving.

你累計了許多飛行 你用心挑選紀念品
You’ve added up many air miles.
You pick up the souvenirs seriously.

You collect every scenery from A to Z.

你擁抱熱情的島嶼 你埋葬記憶的土耳其
You brace the island of passion.
You bury Turkey from your memory.

You hang on the beautiful and unreal scenes in the movie.

卻說不出你愛我的原因 卻說不出你欣賞我哪一種表情
While you can’t say why you love me.
You can’t say which expression of me you revel in.

卻說不出在什麼場合我曾讓你分心 說不出 旅行的意義
While you can’t say which place I have made you distracted.
Can’t say, Why you are traveling.

你勉強說出你愛我的原因 卻說不出你欣賞我哪一種表情
You reluctantly say why you love me.
While you can’t say which expression of me you revel in.

卻說不出在什麼場合我曾讓你分心 說不出 離開的原因
While you can’t say which place I have made you distracted.
Can’t say, why you are leaving.

勉強說出 你為我寄出的每一封信 都是你 離開的原因
Every letter you send to me is the reason you leave for.

你離開我 就是旅行的意義
You leave me, that’s why travel is meaningful.

