2012年2月16日 星期四



喜歡寂寞 Enjoy Loneliness

蘇打綠 Sodagreen

揚起了灰塵 回憶裡一場夢 那照片裡的人 瞳孔曾住著我
The dust waves. Memory is a dream.
The person on the photograph, I had been living in your pupil.
闔上了過往 夢境活成河流 已滋潤了身旁 真實中的脈搏
Close the past. The dream flows.
Moisten the beating of heart, people around in the life.
生命來到窗前 不吭一聲 拎走了我們
Life comes to the window without a sound, and takes us out.
誰為情所困 誰為愛犧牲 誰比誰深刻
Who’s stucked by feeling?
Who’s sacrificing for love?
Who’s deeper than the other?

當時奮不顧身伸出我的手 看見了輪廓就當作宇宙
I held out selflessly, grasping heart through veil.
甜美的習慣變成生活 才了解了什麼
Deep in sweet life so as to get knowing something.
如今故事發展成就一個我 學會了生活能享受寂寞
Now with the love story running, I’ve learned enjoying loneliness.
劇烈的語言變成溫柔 又帶來了什麼
Fierce quarrel turns into warmth, while what is it for?
若是不曾走過 怎麼懂
If you have never experienced, how would you understand?

翻飛了往事 有時灼傷眼眸 那傷人的台詞 現在聽來輕鬆
Yesteryear flies. Eyes are burned off and on.
The hurtful sentences, sounds easy now.
平息了心思 有時一笑而過 我此刻的樣子 見風仍然是風
Calm my heart. Laugh it off now and again.
Now I am still who I am, like wind is still wind.
生命吹過面前 不吭一聲 劃成了掌紋
Life blows in front of me without a sound, and draws the palm print.
揮霍了緣份 看透了景色 我懂得深刻
Squander the destiny.
See all the scenery.
I realized at last.

當時奮不顧身伸出我的手 看見了輪廓就當作宇宙
I held out selflessly, grasping heart through veil.
甜美的習慣變成生活 才了解了什麼
Deep in sweet life so as to get knowing something.
如今故事發展成就一個我 學會了生活能享受寂寞
Now with the love story running, I’ve learned enjoying loneliness.
劇烈的語言變成溫柔 又帶來了什麼
Fierce quarrel turns into warmth, while what is it for?
若是不曾走過 怎麼懂
If you have never experienced, how would you understand?

當時奮不顧身伸出我的手 看見了輪廓就當作宇宙
I held out selflessly, grasping heart through veil.
甜美的習慣變成生活 才了解了什麼
Deep in sweet life so as to get knowing something.
如今故事發展成就一個我 學會了生活能享受寂寞
Now with the love story running, I’ve learned enjoying loneliness.
劇烈的語言變成溫柔 又帶來了什麼
Fierce quarrel turns into warmth, while what is it for?
若是不曾走過 怎麼懂
If you have never experienced, how would you understand?

