2011年10月1日 星期六



如果的事 Something assumed

范瑋琪 Christine Fan
張韶涵 Angela Chang

我想過一件事 不是壞的事
I’ve been wondering, something not naughty.
一直對自己堅持 愛情的意思
In keeping with the meaning for loving.
像風沒有理由輕輕吹著走 誰愛誰沒有所謂的對與錯
It blows with no reason like wind.
There is no answer that who you should care for.
不管時間 說著我們在一起有多坎坷
Forget about time, cause it reveals the weakness of our link.

我不敢去証實 愛你兩個字
I dare not to evince, love you, the two words.
不是對自己矜持 也不是諷刺
I am not cautious, neither mordacious.
Others say that I know nothing.
This kind of feeling is considered to be crazy.
I don’t agree on it.
Still I am considering what I’ve been wondering.

如果你已經不能控制 每天想我一次 如果你因為我而誠實
Assuming that you can’t repress to everyday think about me once,
Assuming that because of me, you become decent,
如果你看我的電影 聽我愛的CD 如果你能帶我一起旅行
Assuming that you see my movie, listen to my favorite CD,
Assuming that you can bring me for a trip,
如果你決定跟隨感覺 為愛勇敢一次
Assuming that you decide to follow the feeling, to be brave for love once,
Assuming that you said that we have each other,
如果你會開始相信 這般戀愛心情
Assuming that you are going to believe, the emotion of love,
Assuming that you can give me something assumed,
(如果你會開始相信 這般戀愛心情 我只要你一件如果的事 我會奮不顧身地去愛你)
(Assuming that you are going to believe, the emotion of love, I only want a thing assumed. I will love you recklessly.)

